ACER invites all interested parties to provide comments to the consultation paper (Draft Framework Guidelines on Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules) as of 16 March 2012 by email to
by 16 May 2012, 12.00 noon, Central European Time.
To ensure maximum benefit from the public consultation, ACER encourages stakeholders to provide constructive and comprehensive answers to each question. In addition, ACER encourages large companies to coordinate their answers, so that the submission received gives a clear message about the policy options the stakeholders wish to support.
In order to identify your response, please include the following contact information on the top of your answer sheet:
Contact email   
Following the public consultation period, ACER will publish all answers received from stakeholders.  Stakeholders should also consider that confidential answers should be used in a limited way. ACER advises stakeholders to claim confidentiality only on commercially sensitive information and to ensure that a non-confidential version is also submitted.